AJT 2.0 released, license changed to LGPL

AJT 2.0 is a restructured version of AJT 1.26. All code that is GPL contaminated is removed. Starting with release 2.0, AJT will be released under the LGPL 3 license. The only things that has been removed because it did not fit the new license is EPSGraphics support. The LGPL provides more freedom to use the library, which is more important.

API documentation

AJT 1.26 released

AJT 1.26 fixes a number of bugs. All map derivatives should now have a more consistent implementation.

API documentation

PHP-agenda 2.2.7 released

Release 2.2.7 of PHP-agenda fixes a number of bugs that were introduced recently

  • Umlauts in german translation were broken
  • Repeating event didn't work anymore
  • Adding todo gave error


PHP-agenda 2.2.6 released

Some highlights of this release. The internationalization support has been improved. Languages are better detected, some encoding issues have been cleared and some languages have been added. The agenda is now available in German, English, French, Italian, Japanese, Dutch, Brazilian (Portugese) and Chinese.

An agenda can now be shared as an option that you can set in the config file. This will make all agenda's shared between all users.

The install script was updated to fix a security hole and to make it easier to install on a shared hosting service.


AJT 1.25 released

The AJT 1.25 release brings a number of new convenient Map derivatives. A two dimensional default value HashMap was added, a generic two dimensional contingency table was added as extension of this 2D default value HashMap. And we improved the implementations of the existing map extensions to be more consistent. Finally we also added a tool class to serialize and deserialize objects.

API documentation

EPS Graphics library 1.2 released

This release of EPSGraphics is just to dust-off the project. There is no new functionality in the library, but the documentation has been improved and we have fixed the website.

API reference

PHP-agenda 2.2.5 released

In this release a number of glitches in the layout have been fixed and the pages should now be easier on the eye. Japanese and Brazilian-Portugese translations have been added. And last but not least, a local file inclusion vulnerability was fixed.


AJT 1.24 released

This release of AJT makes a small change in the LineIterator class. None of the methods throw an exception now. The documentation also received some minor improvements.

API documentation

AJT 1.23 released

Added the ClientHttpRequest class from Vlad Patryshev. This class helps to send POST HTTP requests with various form data, including files. Cookies can be added to be included in the request.

API documentation

AJT 1.22 released

We fixed a bug in the DNAPhysicalProfile class which made the calculations of upper case sequences incorrect.

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